

A configurable Solar Power manager for powering micro-controllers & sensors

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SOLARIS is a module that can help you power your outdoor stand-alone devices using a 5V solar panel with Li-ion battery and have full control over which power source to use when. This is particularly useful when we want to power outdoor IoT devices that have some sensors, micro-controllers and some sort of transmitter to send the data to other devices.
Main features of Solaris are :
- It gives the user 3 options for power - Solar panel, Li-ion battery and super-capacitors.
- It has a configurable switching circuit, meaning a user can simply read which power source is available and program the board accordingly to choose which power supply to use for driving the load. For example, when solar is available and super-capacitors are charged, user can program it to use the solar power to charge the batteries and run the load on super capacitors.
- With this circuit, a device can run for years without any need to change or charge the batteries.

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