The Code!
12/17/2016 at 11:07 • 0 commentsHere's the code I am currently running. The broad structure is:
- Create an open access point for users to connect to;
- Declare the variables needed to control the LED flashing speed etc.
- Create a table with the locations of various additional files needed. See this excellent tutorial here for how to serve up big files. I have copied most of this code but with a few small tweaks.
- Start the PWM on pin 1.
- Loop through all of the submitted data from the HTML form (stored in _GET in this example).
- Use the data to set the PWM value and alarm cycles.
The only slightly strange bit of the codes is the lines that follow this pattern:
partial_data = string.gsub(partial_data,"xxBVxx",ledPWM)
In the HTML files, each of the values for the form inputs is as follows:
<input class="slider-width" type="range" name="Brightness" min="0" max="1023" value="xxBVxx" onChange="form.submit()">
The nodemcu code goes through the HTML source and replaces xxBVxx with the correct PWM value. This ensures that the webpage served up has the sliders in the correct position.--Close any servers already running if srv then srv:close() srv=nil end wifi.setmode(wifi.SOFTAP) cfg={} cfg.ssid="AlexsXmasLights" wifi.ap.config(cfg) --Variables for flashing lights led1 = 1 ledPWM=500 flashSpeedOn=500 flashSpeedOff=500 glowOn="On" glowSpeed=5 gpio.mode(led1, gpio.OUTPUT) value = true glow=true scan=true --Tables for file locations local httpRequest={} httpRequest["/"]="mainPage.html"; httpRequest["/index.html"]="mainPage.html"; local getContentType={}; getContentType["/"]="text/html"; getContentType["/index.htm"]="text/html"; local filePos=0; --Start the PWM stuff at full pwm.setup(led1,1000,ledPWM); pwm.start(led1); tmr.alarm(0, 500, 1, function () if(glowSpeed>0)then if(glow==true)then ledPWM=ledPWM+1 else ledPWM=ledPWM-1 end if(ledPWM==1000)then glow=false end if(ledPWM==1)then glow=true end pwm.setduty(led1,ledPWM); tmr.interval(0, glowSpeed) else value = not value if(value==true) then pwm.setduty(led1,ledPWM); tmr.interval(0, flashSpeedOn) else pwm.setduty(led1,0); tmr.interval(0, flashSpeedOff) end end end) srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive", function(client,request) local buf = ""; scan=false local _, _, method, path, vars = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+)?(.+) HTTP"); if(method == nil)then _, _, method, path = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+) HTTP"); end local _GET = {} if (vars ~= nil)then for k, v in string.gmatch(vars, "(%w+)=(%w+)&*") do _GET[k] = v end end --Loop through info submitted for key,value in pairs(_GET) do if(key=="FlashSpeedOn") then flashSpeedOn = tonumber(value); if(flashSpeedOn>0) then tmr.start(0) else tmr.stop(0) pwm.setduty(led1,ledPWM); end end if(key=="glowSpeed") then glowSpeed = tonumber(value) end if(key=="FlashSpeedOff") then flashSpeedOff = tonumber(value); if(flashSpeedOff==0) then tmr.stop(0) pwm.setduty(led1,led1023); end end if(key=="Brightness") then ledPWM = tonumber(value); end if(key=="glowOn") then scan=true glow=true end end if getContentType[path] then requestFile=httpRequest[path]; print("[Sending file "..requestFile.."]"); filePos=0; conn:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: "..getContentType[path].."\r\n\r\n"); else print("[File "..path.." not found]"); conn:send("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n") conn:close(); collectgarbage(); end end) conn:on("sent",function(conn) local next1 = 0; if requestFile then if file.open(requestFile,r) then file.seek("set",filePos); local partial_data=file.read(512); if(partial_data~=nil) then if (string.len(partial_data)==512) then next1 = 1 end partial_data = string.gsub(partial_data,"xxBVxx",ledPWM) partial_data = string.gsub(partial_data,"xxFONVxx",flashSpeedOn) partial_data = string.gsub(partial_data,"xxFOFFVxx",flashSpeedOff) partial_data = string.gsub(partial_data,"xxGSxx",glowSpeed) file.close(); if partial_data then filePos=filePos+(512-string.len(partial_data))+#partial_data; print("["..filePos.." bytes sent]"); conn:send(partial_data); if (next1==1) then return; end end end else print("[Error opening file"..requestFile.."]"); end end print("[Connection closed]"); conn:close(); collectgarbage(); end) end)