
Laying it out

A project log for Pi Zero PC by Bay Networks (The Pikelet)

I acquired a great little EN104 Bay Networks 'Netgear Hub'. I decided to re-purpose it to house a little Pi Zer0.

tinkerzonetinkerzone 12/13/2016 at 03:410 Comments

So after deciding that I was going to build a mini pc in this case, the next task was deciding how it was going to fit together. Looking at the case, the large window at the front seemed to be perfect to access the 3 usb ports. Only the hdmi port on the pi zero needed to be accessible, so the pi zero was mounted to the rear and the ethernet port placed next to the pi zero. The original intention was to use the square slot that the power jack sat in for the ethernet port, but the pi zero and the module couldn't fit together. As it is an all metal case, having an internal wifi dongle would not work. Provision was made for a wifi dongle with an external dongle was made on the LHS of the case.

Four mounting points for each of the pi zero and the zero4u hub were marked out and made using a 1/8th drill. As the standoffs and screws used are m2.5, this allows approx 0.4mm on each side of the screw to provide a bit of wiggle room.
