
TempTale Ultra Teardown & Repurpose

Taking apart and repurposing a few varieties of TempTale temperature loggers.

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Join me as a rip apart and reprogram otherwise one time use e-waste. TempTale loggers.

Having rescued a trove of temperature loggers out of my local universities e-waste dumpster; it's time to crack them open and see what they can do.

So far the TempTale Ultra's I have opened come in a few varieties but generally share the same features.
Included on board :

  • STM32 L1xxx MCU - STM32L152RCT6 /  STM32L152RET6 
  • USB Male Plug
  • JTAG / SWD pads
  • I2C Temperature Sensor ?
  • SPI Flash Chip
  • 3V Battery Lithium Coin Cell  OR Dual 3v cells soldered.

Hello World  - get code running.

  1.  Soldered onto the SWD pads and Disconnect the on board battery.
  2. Lifted the boot0 pin of the MCU off the board
  3. Connected an STLINK to the SWD pads.
  4. Unlocked the flash memory sections
  5. Upload a blinker demo to the board.
  6. Bodge wire the boot0 pin back to GND (to get back to booting from flash memory)

With the Flash unlocked and the Boot0 connected back to Vss/GND the MCU remains reprogrammable over SWD.

Helpfully there was some previous art on reversing these boards.


platformio board file for temptale board with RC variant, goes into the boards folder: .platformio/platforms/ststm32/boards/

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - 884.00 bytes - 02/07/2023 at 05:22


  • Do something cool? First attempt at repurposing.

    zvodd02/03/2023 at 02:50 0 comments

    So far success with running code has been limited to the L152RC variety.

    After modding a spare STLINKv2 Clone to run Blackmagic Probe firmware, I setup CubeIDE to build and flash firmware via gdb remote to BMP (gdb talks to the black magic probe over serial).

    I made some assumptions about the provided oscillators / crystals on the board and setup minimal ports for the MCU in Cube IDE.

    With the vague goal in mind of reading MIDI data:

    • I enabled UART Interrupts and USB CDC device.
    • Built a small bread board with a optocoupler and MIDI port.
    • annd..
    • Success! getting MIDI events as a serial byte stream from the USB CDC device.

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alexis666666 wrote 12/20/2023 at 06:07 point

how  to reuse this device ? 

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Vu Le wrote 10/29/2023 at 05:28 point


How can I unlocked the flash memory sections, could you pls help me.

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Brian wrote 05/12/2023 at 17:53 point

Do you think it is possible to use this as simply a temp monitor for 3d print enclosure? we get these all the time at work.....

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