IcyBlue has come a long way since I started working on this back in 2020. I originally wanted to make a feather wing with a Lattice FPGA to allow people to be able to program an FPGA over SPI from an Adafruit Feather using CircuitPython. While that plan is still in the works, I'm working on making IcyBlue the best it can be.

With launching on CrowdSupply, I've began to think about ways to improve it before launch including some changes that will be announced in the weekly updates after the official launch and order period opens.

In the meantime, I am working on ways to make IcyBlue accessible and easy to create projects with. I have started developing an ecosystem for IcyBlue around the feather format which includes classic FPGA lab exercises to help make concepts more accessible. The examples for these will be available on GitHub as they are developed and released to the public.

One such add on board brings to life the classic state machine and combinational logic exercise, the traffic light controller. Traffic Wing brings together the visual aspect of the controller which makes it easier to see transitions and visualize which cars are waiting.

There will be more interesting project boards to come with IcyBlue over the coming months, ranging from beginner to advanced concepts.