
Final Assembly

A project log for TMD-3: Turing Machine Demonstrator Mark 3

They say that the third time's a charm. Let's find out.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 09/09/2023 at 19:180 Comments

I attached the wired State Panels to the console frame using some two sided tape. Notice here that I have added a logo and some labels for the state panels.

Then I connected the bottom and top row panels with the cable I made and plugged in the cable from the Pi 4.

Finally I glued the six State Panels together to create a more stable connection between the PCBs and printed panels.

When the glue dried I placed the joined panels into the console. Nice clean fit with no jiggle. Just what I was looking for.

All that's left now is to calibrate the 96 sensors against this final configuration. 
