
RIGOL All in One

I want a Digilent ADP5250 but .... I can't afford one

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At approx 2000GBP the ADP 5250 is out of reach for "most" hobbists. But it looks to be an interesting bit of kit:
Sampling rate: 1 GS/s
Analog bandwidth: 100 MHz @ -3 dB
2 Channels
Signal Generator:
Analog bandwidth: 5 MHz @ -3 dB
Sampling rate: 125 MS/s
DC power supplies:
0 to 6 V variable, 1 A max current
0 to 25 V variable, 500 mA max current (isolated)
0 to -25 V variable, 500 mA max current (isolated)
And more

Why do you want one?
I'm a big fan of the clean desk setup, minimum wires and no clutter. So an all in one Scope, Sig Gen, Multimeter etc with a user interface on my dual monitor setup would be great!

I have a DS1054Z, I dont have 2000GBP. AS my DS1054Z is now out of warranty and I have DG1062 that is getting close, I thought I'd have a go and making my own.


Let first lay out a few things that i want the end product to have. 

  • First Version
    • All in one unit with at least:
      • Oscilloscope
      • Signal Generator
      • Power Supply
    • Not take up too much space
    • be USB programmable
    • have PC Software (ideally, same software for all functions)
  • Second Version
    • Multimeter
    • MSO capability
    • more I've not thought about

  • 1 × Rigol DS1054Z 50Mhz 1 Gs/s Oscilloscope

  • Software Stall

    Marmaduke1st07/01/2023 at 18:14 0 comments

    After much consideration and investigation I'm putting this on hold until a suitable software is found or I have chance to build it.

    In the mean time I'll be purchasing a more conveniently priced Analog Discovery 3 to test it out and to test out the waveforms software which looks great.

  • Major Roadblock!

    Marmaduke1st06/29/2023 at 10:49 0 comments

    I can't improve the RIGOL software performance, making the scope almost unusable.

    It's so slow, I've tried different hardware but it seems to be a software issue and I couldn't reliably use that on a day to day basis.

    I'm not giving up yet, but until I can find or create reliable software solution we aren't getting to strip down stage just yet. 

  • Step One Tests

    Marmaduke1st06/26/2023 at 13:22 0 comments

    First test is to ensure the scope will work with software. Had a few issues with this!

    We require two pieces of software:

    • Ultra Sigma
    • UltraScope

    Ultra Sigma is the "connection" software for RIGOL equipment and UlltraScope being the visualisation of the scope itself.

    Both of the RIGOL software was being blocked by my firewall so I needed to write a rule to allow to operate properly. Once I worked that i could get both working, sending commands and received the visuals from the scope via UltraScope. 

    However the refresh rate ofthe software is very slow, settings possibly need playing with. My laptop isn't the best either so that could also be a factor. 

    Sigrok on the other hand is proving very difficult! Can't get communication with the scope at all via sigrok on windows. Tested on Linux it works first time but need to understand Sigrok and find out if you can get a live view or only snapshots.

  • Step One

    Marmaduke1st06/26/2023 at 11:55 0 comments

    Step One:

    Step one will consist of taking the PCB from the DS1054Z and putting it in an enclosure, effectively making it a PC Oscilloscope. however a couples of things will be required first I believe, before strip down:

    • Setup and test function using RIgol's PC software UltraScope 
    • Setup and test function using Sigrok

    Once I can confirm at least the first one works then we can take measurements and design an enclosure for the final pharse, making it a standalone PC scope. 

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paulvdh wrote 06/26/2023 at 00:15 point

You are clearly a different problem from me.

I would never do a project like this, and I guess you'll regret removing the TFT (+ buttons?) from your scope pretty soon.

I would just make a simple (wooden) box myself to put the equipment in, and then connect the box with a single power cord. This way you still have everything neatly together, you can add a carry handle for easy storage. You can also add an USB hub or network switch if you have multiple tools that can be connected in that way. Plenty of possibilities in that direction, and quite easy to make.

But as I said before, you are not me, and it's your project.

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Marmaduke1st wrote 06/26/2023 at 11:53 point

Yeah possibly, but we'll see. One way to find out as they say.

I have backup scopes and the scope i'm doing it with have a faulty channel so I'm not too fussed if it breaks it completely.

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