
Entry 0x00 - Let's begin.

A project log for KOAT0 Portable Terminal

A cyberdeck with a fluorescent display for max cyberpunk looks

robsoncoutoRobsonCouto 06/25/2023 at 21:580 Comments

I'm working on this project mainly motivated by the contest, and I'm starting from scratch. I had the idea of working in something like this some time ago to learn more embedded linux, and could not get started, so the contest is nice motivation and great timing. I also want to use this as an excuse to learn more embedded linux.

I still have to research more about cyberdecks, but the main idea seems to be a futuristic portable computer with connectivity and used for hacking on the go. Aesthetics are important here, it has to look cyberpunk!

About my ideas for my build:

I'm sure of:

I'm not sure of

At the moment I'm looking for inspiration (cyberdecks in reality and media) and browsing what hardware I can use.
