
Entry 0x01 - Aesthetic inspirations

A project log for KOAT0 Portable Terminal

A cyberdeck with a fluorescent display for max cyberpunk looks

robsoncoutoRobsonCouto 07/02/2023 at 14:580 Comments

I'm still searching for ideas, I don't want my project just to be hooking a tiny screen to a keyboard and be done. Still, I don't think I can have everything working by the end of the contest. So I plan to focus more on the design (modelling, 3d printing ).

I'm mostly decided on a look with an aesthetic mimicking the following:

Cyberdecks from Cyberpunk Edgerunners

This one a handle on the side, which I really like. It seems to have a foldable screen and a physical keyboard. 

RA01 by RA

This one was my first inspiration for starting the project, it looks gorgeous. Surprisingly, the artist used a C64 case, no 3d printed parts (so it is technically made from scraps, truly like something made in a dystopia).

For more detaild check out the full story.

Garra's Cyberdeck

Another awesome build. Here the artist modelled the case, and really nailed the cyberpunk look. Check out the project on Garra's medium.

In conclusion

I guess what I want for my build is:
