
Entry 0x02 - Display and Keyboard

A project log for KOAT0 Portable Terminal

A cyberdeck with a fluorescent display for max cyberpunk looks

robsoncoutoRobsonCouto 07/02/2023 at 15:140 Comments

I have decided on a display and keyboard for my cyberdeck. I explain my reasoning below. I still have to receive either, but theya are heading to my country.


I have opted for a vacuum fluorescent display (VFD). The following picture is from the seller's listing.

I think I said in a previous log that I did not want to simply connect a LCD to a raspberry pi and be done. I think VFDs really give a cyberpunk vibe, maybe because it looks neon. The resolution is awful (256x50) but it should be enough to run a terminal and call my own tools and scripts. I don't want to browse the internet of anything like that using the cyberdeck. Still, I guess I can use my phone as a backup screen if needed so I will keep that in mind.

Using a custom display means I will have to write my own framebuffer driver or at least patch the kernel. I will think about that later.


I also decided on the following keyboard. Like the display, I am truing to go for the looks without sacrificing function or getting too expensive. The mechanical keys should give a nice tactile feel.

About this keyboard, it took me a while to decide, because:
