
Caring for your Microalgae

A project log for AlgaLite

A living lamp for climate-conscious homes. It uses microalgae to create sustainable light while improving indoor air quality naturally

keenan-pintoKeenan Pinto 10/10/2023 at 13:430 Comments

The most important part of this project is the MicroAlgae themselves! 

I've compiled some resources on how to care for them but just like houseplants, you have to feel your way through it. Each species is different!

Lets Dive in!

Choosing the Right Algae Species:


Poor Growth: Assess light, nutrient, and CO2 availability. Adjust as necessary.

Contamination: If other organisms invade your culture, you may need to start anew with a sterile setup.

How to acquire algae for your lamp:

List of online suppliers:

Cultivating microalgae for your AlgaLite lamp is a journey that intertwines biology with technology. The right algae species and proper care can significantly enhance the beauty and functionality of your living lamp, bringing you a step closer to a sustainable and educational lighting solution. Happy growing! 
