
Firewire/Thunderbolt Memory Recorder

A device that allows me to transfer footage from my DV camcorder and capture it on SD card.

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I'm not entirely sure if this is the appropriate place for my inquiry, but I'll proceed with my question nonetheless. I'm interested in knowing what it would entail to create a device similar to the Sony HVR-MRC1 Memory Recorder. It seems like it shouldn't be too complicated to construct a device that incorporates a Firewire or Thunderbolt 3 port, a small screen, a handful of buttons, and the ability to record incoming Firewire/Thunderbolt streams onto an SD card. Could someone kindly provide me with information regarding the necessary components' costs and the complexity of the coding involved, or actually build it for me. I am willing to pay the materials and your time. Depending of course on how long this would take and what your rate it, ha ha. Thank you in advance.

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Frank Castle wrote 08/01/2023 at 15:33 point

Hello there! Now that I have a better understanding of the project's complexity, I'm wondering where I can find the right assistance to build something like this. While I am aware that there are companies offering such services, I am particularly interested in collaborating with someone who possesses in-depth knowledge of electronics and related subjects. I'm curious about how difficult it might be to find a "private" individual with the expertise required for this endeavor. Thank you for your help.

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irenne wrote 07/28/2023 at 08:21 point

I think creating a device like the Sony HVR-MRC1 Memory Recorder involves combining hardware and software components. I am about a Firewire or Thunderbolt 3 port, a small screen, buttons, and an SD card slot. You also need to develop drivers, a user interface, and data recording capabilities. The complexity and cost depend on the design and quantity. And just consider legal aspects if using patented technology.

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