
Similar to a voltmeter but more visual

A project log for Felini - Revolutionary Pocket-Sized Electronic Lab

Extremely affordable pocket-friendly, designed to provide a wide range of hardware testing and debugging functions in a compact and low-cost

chu-tien-thinh-obitvnChu Tien Thinh (obitvn) 08/19/2023 at 15:500 Comments

I am still dedicating time to focus on the development of Felini, and the source code will be open in a few weeks, once everything is running smoothly. Felini utilizes INA226 to monitor the output voltage after communicating with the Type C PD power supply. When not using the power delivery feature, INA226 is utilized to transform Felini into a wide-range voltmeter with voltage coverage from 0-24V, sufficient to meet most needs in a DC lab environment. A notable difference from a regular voltmeter, Felini is equipped with a display, so we will have a small graph that makes it easy to observe voltage fluctuations that need to be measured.
