
Clock driver circuit

A project log for Frequency counter becomes Nixie clock

Turning an old device with Nixie tubes into a clock

walterWalter 08/08/2023 at 17:481 Comment

The comment on the last blog posting was that the "block" of components on the nixie boards could be the decoder. I took a picture of it, also showing the buildup of many years of dust. Indeed, we see resistors, diodes and transistors there, neatly packed together.

Today, the nixie kit arrived from It came with a very nice manual, that reminded me a bit of the Gigatron manual I wrote.

I quickly soldered everything together and checked the voltages when hooked up to the buck converter. All was fine.

I'll insert the battery when it's fully hooked up. I am waiting for some wires to arrive to connect the tubes. But I can already start with putting this PCB in the enclosure, putting in the buttons and connecting the lights on the front panel.


Ken Yap wrote 08/09/2023 at 02:19 point

Ah I see the clock board is driving the nixies multiplexed. That will reduce the number of wires to the nixies.

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