
Chinese 1080p IP Camera Teardown

I bought a Chinese wireless camera and decided to tear it down to see what's inside.

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I bought a Chinese wireless camera and decided to tear it down to see what's inside. this is a 1080p camera that has a WIFI connection, USB, SD card, night vision, and motion detection. Honestly a very cool gadget for a fair price in my opinion.
I got this for another project but I needed to design a custom casing for it, and in that process, I also examined the camera electronics as well and wrote a report, and then I decided to share it here.

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setCREATE wrote 03/06/2024 at 09:24 point

Thanks, I actually forgot to finish writing the project details lol...

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Ali Ghane wrote 09/07/2023 at 10:55 point

cool project

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