
ESP32 LED Light Controller

A simple and small ESP32 based controller for controlling LED light strips from Home Assistant

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I needed to add LED light strips under my kitchen cabinets and control them from Home Assistant and ESPHome. I found many end-user solutions to buy, and it would have been easier/faster to go that route, but instead I used the opportunity to teach myself how to design and build an embedded system to accomplish the task. Are there many existing solutions like this? Absolutely. This is not a 100% unique or innovative idea, but it was an amazing way to dip my feet into KiCAD and learning embedded systems.

As of 9/5/23, I ordered the first PCBs and parts for the project and am eagerly awaiting their arrivals to assemble and test my design.

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drcyberg wrote 09/11/2023 at 04:04 point


Tip: 12V is used for pwm control, not gnd to avoid short circuits. ;-)

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