
FindMyCat - The Open Source Pet Tracker

The only pet tracker you will ever need. Months long battery life, works outdoors and indoors. It’s Purr-fectly Empowered.

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Most existing pet tracking options I came across were like asking for a gourmet meal and getting a frozen half-cooked microwaved burrito – all for the price of a five-star restaurant.

After being disappointed by them and seeing a lack of a comprehensive open source solution, I embarked on the journey to create one.

FindMyCat is the ultimate pet tracking solution. With a battery that can last up-to 6 months, works indoors and outdoors it outperforms 90% of the commercial options. With no monthly subscription fees and a fully open-source solution, it just might be the only pet tracker you'll ever need.


Official Website:


Let’s look at the Meaowster-mind innovation packed into FindMyCat. Later in this post, I'll provide a more detailed breakdown of the engineering that powers the device.

1. Real GPS for outdoors

For your pets outdoor adventures, there is real GPS tracking powered by Nordic NRF9160, it operates over future proof LTE network so as long as there is a cellular network available, you will have visibility of your pets location.

2. Precise Find

Powered by Apple Nearby Interaction Framework, Bluetooth Low Energy and modern Ultrawideband technology, we have a precise find mode for when your pet decides it’s hide-and-seek time. Whether indoors or outdoors, you can use precise find to locate your pet to an accuracy of 10cm!

3. Smart Tether

For exceptional battery life and a very reliable geo-fence, we have the Smart Tether. When your pet is at home, a tether is created between the FindMyCat Tracker Device and the FindMyCat HomeStation (think of it as a virtual leash). 

This does two things, the Smart Tether instructs the GPS and LTE functionality to go to deep sleep, and send the location updates over your home wifi instead. When your pet leaves the home radius, the outdoor tracking peripherals are enabled, providing seamless transitions between indoors/outdoor location visibility and also a very reliable geo fencing solution.

4. Flexible tracking modes

a. Ping mode

When you want to know where they are, just hit “Ping” on the iOS app, and you’ll know their location within 40 seconds. 

b. Active Mode

If you care to record the history of where they have been, you can put the tracker in active mode. By default the device will report every 7 minutes until commanded to stop. 

c. Lost Mode

Hopefully you never have to use it, but when your pet seems lost, you can put the device in Lost mode and it will broadcast it’s location every 30 seconds until you have found your friend. 

Technical Overview

I’m constantly improving this project, which means that some of the documentation/instructions will evolve over time. Please find the latest extensively detailed engineering documentation at


The Hardware is built around NRF-9160 and DWM3001C. These two SOCs provide the location services for outdoors and indoors using the combination of GPS, LTE, Bluetooth Low Energy and Ultra-WideBand. 

The power delivery to the sub-systems and charging of the lithium-ion battery is managed by ADP-5360 PMIC.   

The HomeStation PCB [under development] is being built around NRF52833 and NRF7002. These are the BLE and Wifi SOCs that make the Smart Tether possible. 

Embedded Software

There are three parts to the embedded software. 

  • Outdoor Location Engine
  • Indoor Location Engine
  • Home-Station

The following figure demonstrates the overview of how they play together in harmony.

There are two ways the FindMyCat device responds (reports location), one internally from the Tracker PCB (Responder) and externally from the HomeStation. The goal is to use these two responders in a way that minimizes the usage of the device's valuable resource, the Tracker Battery, while still ensuring visibility of the device's location.

Both HomeStation and Tracker PCB advertises BLE advertisement packets and scan for packets at different intervals to communicate visibility to each other.

The HomeStation advertises BLE ADV packets every second which the IndoorLocationEngine scans for every 30s. While the packets are visible the IndoorLocationEngine puts the NRF-9160 in deep sleep and HomeStation reports the location via WiFi.

The IndoorLocationEngine activates the OutdoorLocationEngine along with its periodic reporting or goes to ping mode depending on which is selected as default, when it doesn't see the HomeStation nearby.

iOS App

The FindMyCat iOS application is used to manage all your devices and...

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PCB Schematic for FindMyCat PCB.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 750.82 kB - 09/10/2023 at 23:33


Gerber files for FindMyCat Tracker Device PCB manufacturing.

Zip Archive - 338.73 kB - 09/10/2023 at 23:33



Bill of Materials you can directly import in Mouser cart.

Comma-Separated Values - 2.54 kB - 09/10/2023 at 23:33



Top part of the Tracker Device Case.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 421.76 kB - 09/10/2023 at 23:34



Bottom Part of the Tracker Device Case.

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 390.90 kB - 09/10/2023 at 23:34


View all 6 files

  • 1 × FindMyCat PCB BOM (pl see files section) You can drop the BOM file designed for and order for all parts needed to build the device PCB
  • 1 × White 3D printer resin + Dye I used white 3D printer resin along with some orange dye to create the colored part. You will also need access to a Resin 3D printer; or you can use third party services as noted in 3D printing section at
  • 1 × Collar Please get yourself a nice collar that your cat likes to attach the device tracker to. I'm working on a breakaway collar design that I will update in the project logs section when I am done.
  • 1 × Basic Soldering + PCBA tools If you choose to assemble the PCB yourself you will need access to the basic soldering tools, and a PCB oven.
  • 1 × Optional Development tools If you wish to contribute to the FindMyCat codebase and want a more convenient system to develop and test faster I recommend getting a NRF-9160DK and DWM3001CDK to deploy and test your code on. Please see the page for more details on development tips.

  • Incredible community response; what's next?

    Sahas Chitlange10/10/2023 at 03:56 0 comments

    It has only been a month since I released FindMyCat to the public and since, it has received tremendous support from the IOT enthusiast community. It has been featured in outlets like Hacker News,, Product Hunt and gained a lot of public interest to seeing it commercialize. This is incredible news, i'm deeply humbled and motivated to keep working on improving and taking it to the next level.  

    What's next for FindMyCat?

    In the short-to-mid term I'm working on a couple hardware design enhancements to make the device smaller and cheaper, manufacturing the HomeStation PCB (currently code runs on NRF7002DK) and getting the code for Indoor location engine ported to the Zephyr ecosystem (possible due to FindMyCat + Zephyr collaboration on UWB ranging). In mid-to-longer term, looking at the path to commercializing the tracker PCB as a kit or standalone product, bringing Android support and looking at more optimizations with LORA + LTE fusion.

    Given all the interest, I think it warrants another major release, and I am excited to be working towards it :)


    Following are some of the press articles about FindMyCat from all over the world if you would like to check out:









  • Avengers Assemble!

    Sahas Chitlange10/08/2023 at 20:47 0 comments

    Enjoy the assembly stopmotion I made for the final assembly of FindMyCat tracker device. If you want to see a more clearer gif (size limits here makes it blurred) you can go here:

    Some pictures of me soldering the device PCB:

    Testing for shorts:

  • JLC-PCB specific manufacturing docs available

    Sahas Chitlange10/08/2023 at 18:23 0 comments

    I found that a lot of people in the FindMyCat Slack were using JLC PCB for their PCB manufacturing needs so I added some manufacturer specific detailed documentation in hopes to make the fabrication of FindMyCat PCB boards little bit smoother. 

    Please check the guide here:

    Note that this is not sponsored by JLC at all.

  • FindMyCat + Zephyr Cooperation

    Sahas Chitlange10/06/2023 at 04:16 0 comments

    FindMyCat is now collaborating with Zephyr (🎉) to build a Zephyr based UWB Ranging solution, thank you to Florian Grandel (Zephyr Project) for taking the initiative on the collaboration. 

    This will be a win-win for everyone, FindMyCat codebase is currently split into two, the legacy nrf5 SDK for the indoor location engine and the newer zephyr based nRF connect for Outdoor location Engine and Homestation. 

    This was largely because I could not find Zephyr based drivers for the DWM3001C chip. Upon development of Zephyr based driver, FindMyCat can get rid of the legacy codebase and switch to a much more modern Zephyr codebase.   

    Working on bringing native UWB Ranging capability to Zephyr is exciting. I will keep posting updates on how it goes as I make more progress. 

  • FindMyCat device size improvement ideas

    Sahas Chitlange10/06/2023 at 03:53 0 comments

    One of the common feedback i've been hearing is that the device is still a little too big to fit on a cat, and I understand. One of the reasons for this is that the PCB hasn't gone through iterations yet, I was playing it safe and aiming to get a MVP done. There are a number of improvements I have identified and I will list them here for people who are interested in knowing about what's coming.

    - Use a eSIM or SoftSim: The current nano-sim takes a lot of space, it needs the ESD protection IC, the SIM tray and the SIM card itself, not only adding to the space but also the cost. Nordic released their plans to support SoftSim in Q1 of 2024 so that's promising. If SoftSim doesn't work; an eSIM is a no brainer for the next revision.

    - Consolidating the antennas: The nrf-9160 shares it's radio front-end between the GPS and LTE; meaning the only one of the modules can be active. Hence, we can consolidate the antenna into one and use a RF switch to connect the antenna using appropriate matching network to LTE/GPS as appropriate. Something like this: 

    Dark Image

    - Replace the DWM3001C: The Qorvo UWB module is expensive and big. This will be replaced with now available Type2AB. This reduces the cost by half and the size as well. Win win.

    Improvement tracked here: issue #5

  • Cloud Self-Hosting guide available

    Sahas Chitlange10/06/2023 at 03:36 0 comments

    Self hosting instructions are also now available here:

    This gives you the ability to host the cloud software on a small computer like Raspberry Pi so you can avoid cloud compute costs that occur if you choose AWS/Azure. 

    Note that you will need some familiarity dealing with the Router GUI interface (it's pretty easy) to setup port forwarding. The instructions are device specific so please look up your model's instructions.

  • Security Enhancements

    Sahas Chitlange10/06/2023 at 03:10 0 comments

    Previously, I was using HTTP instead of a more secure HTTPS for communication between the FindMyCat iOS app and the FindMyCat Cloud. This was because of the time constraints as well as my limited understanding of SSL certificates. 

    But thanks to the FindMyCat slack community's help and big thank you to Joe Bell for his guidance, I was able to get SSL working. I'm using Ngnix Proxy Manager to proxy to Traccar server for a specific hostname and adding SSL or external internet traffic using Lets Encrypt. 

    TLDR; no more insecure HTTP calls 🎉

  • FindMyCat Cloud now Docker-ized

    Sahas Chitlange10/06/2023 at 02:54 0 comments

    I finally "docker-ized" the FindMyCat cloud side of things; what this does for folks is provide a very easy way to setup the cloud components with just a few commands. 

    Github repository for Docker files:

    Brief overview: 

    There are three components to the docker files

    - Traccar Container

    - EMQX Container

    - NGNIX Proxy Manager Container

    Run the three commands noted on the Engineering page link and you should be good to go. Please note that the EMQX Rule engine still needs to be setup manually, instructions are on the Engineering page.

    Future improvements I'm thinking of are to build resilient containers; so they can be restarted/recreated if something goes wrong; providing reliablilty. Tracked here in the github issue #1

  • FindMyCat was featured on Product Hunt!

    Sahas Chitlange09/18/2023 at 16:25 0 comments

    FindMyCat was featured on Product Hunt this morning! This is so exciting! If you feel like checking it out, you can click on the badge below :)

    FindMyCat - Months long battery, no subscription | Product Hunt

  • Product Launch Video

    Sahas Chitlange09/11/2023 at 00:12 0 comments

View all 10 project logs

  • 1
    Engineering Documentation

    All the latest engineering documentation and build instructions can be found at

  • 2
    Source Code Files

    Please find the source code for all software, hardware and iOS App under in Github Organization:

View all instructions

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Thu Renee Nguyen wrote 09/22/2023 at 13:40 point

This is amazing! I will definitely play around with this and will share with my friends/coworkers ! 

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dofollowlinker wrote 09/20/2023 at 21:27 point

Thank you so much for your valuable input and assistance on this forum. Your insights and advice have been incredibly helpful,

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jvrijn wrote 09/19/2023 at 17:26 point

Nice project, I am only wondering how de USB connector fits in de case while it completely enclosed and the connections for it show on the top of the PCB. Also for future changes I would suggest you make it USB-C.

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Sahas Chitlange wrote 09/22/2023 at 13:27 point

Feedback noted :) Thank you!

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Jami Griffin wrote 09/13/2023 at 04:11 point

Cool project! I would definitely make these available commercially

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Sahas Chitlange wrote 09/13/2023 at 14:15 point

Thank you Jami, if there is enough interest, definitely a possibility. I've been thinking about starting a non-profit for this product. 

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Nic wrote 09/13/2023 at 03:27 point

Nice work on the software it looks really clean

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Sahas Chitlange wrote 09/13/2023 at 03:35 point

Thank you Nic, I appreciate it!

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