
Measuring HRV and other HVAC devices

Sometimes you just need a need a pressure sensor that can measure HVAC devices!

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I wanted to measure the pressure on my heat recovery ventilator (HRV). This device draws in fresh air from outside, and exhausts the stale building air to the outside. Most pressure sensors you find in the DIY sphere are for measuring a few PSI, but what you need is to measure up to around a hundred pascals.

First off, hats off to the OMRON documentation folk - somebody obviously loves their job!

MEMS Flow Sensors D6F Series Catalog

I'm using the D6F-PH5050AD4 sensor (i.e., the differential, +/- 500 Pa, with 4 mm hose barbs).  Scroll on down to page 28, and they have a GITHUB code link!!!!  How awesome is that.

OMRON github! Yeah!

Here are a few more links to info about the sensor:

OMRON user manual

OMRON app note

I am, however, saddened that this sensor has been discontinued at Digikey.

I opted for the D6F-PH5050AD4, but that means you need a cable.  I made my own, but you can buy the cable.


Next, I placed a PICO-W, pull up resistors, and cable onto a digikey proto board.


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cchambers1.1974 wrote 04/18/2024 at 05:58 point

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