
Flickering fire for the opera

Quick and dirty scramble to put a fire effect in a trash can for Act 3.

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Documenting a recent project to scramble together a realistic garbage can fire effect for the Utah Opera production of La bohème. Looking at the previous method with the design team it was realized that the effect was too artificial and distracting.
Luckily I was able to scramble together parts to attempt a better substitute. Fortunately had an Arduino compatible board in my kit, some mosfets I had recently thrown in for emergencies, plus some LED tape and power supplies on site. That combined with cardboard, paper, gaff tape, hot glue, and zip ties created the backbone of the effect.

This was one of the lucky rare projects where the time between needing a solution and having a functional first iteration for technical rehearsal on stage happened within the course of a few hours. Got it really dialed in the next day

Not bad for working backstage in the dark with mostly found materials.

Video links below.

Special thanks to Utah Opera, the staff at the Capitol Theatre, and the wonderful members of IATSE local 99 for helping to realize this production.

Arduino Sketch:

Due to the other work needing to be done for the show, and the proximity to opening night, it was a quick and dirty build.  From the LED tape found in the opera company work kit I chose to utilized just the warm white, red, and green colors.  Serial commands were enabled to live test different variables that I would then do a quick hard code of and re-upload.  There wasn't time to write and get functional a command to save to persistent storage.

The intensity and timing values were chosen randomly on each cycle.  There are timing variables that, with the constrain() function, can bias the timing towards longer or shorter.

The green LED was included to work with the red LED to provide a more light amber.  There isn't really red in the light that comes from a fire, so the red and green were to provide intensity and a little variability in color temperature.

The final value for the green LED is constrained to a chosen percentage of the red LED.  The value chosen was enough to keep the red from becoming prominent, while preventing any instances of green overpowering the red.

The tape in the garbage can ended up causing too much illumination through the side holes in the can compared to the light emanating from the top.  Tested a diffusing concept with a couple of sheets of printer paper, and it worked so well I used it as the final circular diffuser in which the tape was placed.  After making the tape circle put hot glue around the top and bottom to add rigidity so the cylinder couldn't collapse.

The Utah Opera Head Carpenter modeling the effect during quick test:

A snippet of the effect during dress rehearsal.  Cell phone video taken by myself.  

La bohème
produced by Utah Opera at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City, UT.  Directed by Garnett Bruce, Maestro: Robert Tweten, Stage Manager: Peter Nictakis, Scenic Design: Peter Dean Beck, Lighting Design: Jim Sale, Costume Director: Carol Wood, Properties Master: Kelly Nickle, Technical Director: Sam Miller, Production Master Electrician: David O. Smith.

  • 1 × Wemos ESP8266 board Version not certain
  • 1 × IRLZ44N Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
  • 1 × RGBWWCW LED Tape Only used the Warm White, red, and green.

  • Some of the struggles

    David O. Smith10/19/2023 at 21:45 0 comments

    If you look at the code you will likely find some oddities.  There's at least one unused variable in there.

    Had some weird stuff happening, until I realized I had forgotten to put "break" in the switch case statements.

    Took a while to figure out how to keep the red and green ration working well to keep the light realistic.

View project log

  • 1
    General build

    The way I wrote the code was to make it possible to test values live for fine tuning.  It should work fine with any board with a few I/O pins, and a few MOSFETs to drive the higher voltage and current LED tape.  Likely the effect would work with just single LEDs on each pin for smaller applications.

    This effect is optimized for seeing the light from the fire, not trying to create the image of the fire itself.

    Wemos and Mosfets
    soldering heat shrink speeds things up
  • 2
    The dirty details

    To decrease the amount of light coming out of the distressed openings in the side of the can, and provide more light through the top for illumination of the performers, I made a quick diffuser and base with the cheapest found materials.

    Working with the lighting designer I added sheets of printer paper around the LED tape to control the light.  After discovering that two layers of paper helped significantly I proceeded to imagine how to create it.  Took 2 pieces of printer paper and taped them longways into a cylinder.  Pulled out my handy, quick heating, battery powered hot glue gun and sloppily added a rim of glue around the top and bottom of the cylinder to add structure so the cylinder couldn't fold.  also put some squiggly streaks up and down the sides for some more structure.

    Cut a piece of cardboard that would fit into the can and glued the cylinder to it.  Added an additional loose ring of paper inside the cylinder.

    You can see the mess of paper, cardboard, gaff tape, and hot glue

    Used tie line and zip ties to secure the circuit and power supplies to the cardboard base.  I then just haphazardly tucked the spools worth of LED tape into the cylinder, making sure some of the segments pointed up, but counting on sloppy chaos hoping it would prevent any patterns or symmetry.

  • 3
    Theatrical Lighting Control

    There are a few ways I could have added overall intensity or other parameter control from the lighting console.  Again, due to the speed of implementation starting a couple days before having an audience, there wasn't time, nor really need, to implement anything.  The deck electrician generously ran 2 circuits to the scenery for me, and we put a relay card in the ETC dimmer rack for the circuits.  One circuit was parked to output full power at all times and was driving the power supply for just the Wemos circuit.  This prevented the mcu startup moment when all the I/O flash full (which looked terrible having the green hooked up).  I made sure the onboard LED was turned on during the setup segment of the Arduino code so the deck electrician could tell the circuit was live when it was set for the 3rd act.  The second circuit was connected to the power supply for the LED tape.  This one would allow the lighting designer and lighting console programmer to turn on or off the fire if needed.

    I have attempted to use sACN with esp8266 chips during prior productions, it is fraught with problems.  The more universes of data you use the more difficulty the chip has keeping up.  Additionally there appear to be some low level network based interrupts that can cause random flashing.  Even if there was time I likely wouldn't have gone this route.

    I could have put a typical DMX512 LED tape controller in line with the tape supply to provide intensity control, which is likely the route I would take if there had been time to refine the design more.

View all 3 instructions

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Dan Maloney wrote 10/19/2023 at 23:51 point

Man, those backstage photos really take me back. Glad to see little has changed in nearly 40 years...

I wrote this up for the blog, should hit the site soon. I had a little fun with the title, hope you don't mind -- it's with love of the craft. Great work, thanks for sharing!

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David O. Smith wrote 10/20/2023 at 00:32 point

Don't mind at all.  Thank you.

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Dan Maloney wrote 10/18/2023 at 17:18 point

Love the creativity that comes with stagecraft. In high school I had to rig a vacuum cleaner to burn out on command -- I think it was for "No, No, Nanette." Working with flash powder was a lot of fun. This looks like it was a blast to come up with too. Looking forward to videos.

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David O. Smith wrote 10/19/2023 at 22:21 point

I thrive off of building things in chaos mode.  I enjoyed the process.  Added some videos I took.  Will check with Utah Opera soon to see if the archival version came out looking better than my cell phone.

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