Here are the steps I plan to take.

⦁  (BAM) Balance Adjustment Model: Design a leg that, when equipped with the necessary gyroscopes, can hop and maintain balance independently, this will require sophisticated design and programming.

⦁  (UJE) Universal Joint Enclosure: Develop a universal actuator/servo/motor joint enclosure for the robot that allows easy attachment of legs, arms, neck, etc. pentagon onion design, with pegs.

⦁  (RUM) Reasoning and Understanding Model: Integrate support for Large Language Models like GPT-3.5 via Wi-Fi and add a custom system prompt to give the robot a unique personality. Autonomous Features the robot with autonomous features such as balancing, auto roaming, and object avoidance.

⦁  (DUM) Directive Understanding Model: Develop and train a local Small Language Model, named the Directive Understanding Model (DUM), for interpreting commands from natural language.

Rat Monster Robot (rats are not monsters, they're cute fluff balls): Create a four-legged robot resembling a kangaroo or rat.