
Running CollapseOS on an esp8266

This makes an esp8266 emulating Z80 mnemonics and runs a Forth interpreter on it.

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Making Collapseos run on an iot esp8266 intelligent lightbulb chip.

I started this as a middle way between the rather dry running of CollapseOS on an emulator under Linux and the super-ambitious way of building your own microcontroller system of vintage chips or home made radio tubes.

Here you could get collapse running on some bare metal of its own, ready-made kits are sold on various shops if one does not want to solder.

In this project, i combined three things: the Arduino environment, the CollapseOS collapseos-rc2014 (from Virgil Dupras), and the Z80 Emulator, z80emu, (from "anotherlin" i.e. Lin Ke-Fong.)

There is a compiler script that does "everything", checks out parts from CollapseOS and z80emu, does some transformer rebuild magic and produces the emuz80ardu/ directory where it puts files suitable for the rather limited Arduino build environment.

Code and more detail on build is available on:

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