
Motorized Micrometer Actuators

Low cost 2 phase stepper motor controlled micrometer actuator for micron scale linear motion

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Most motorized micrometers cost upwards of $700 per motor. This is a low cost version of commercially available micrometer actuators that uses a bipolar stepper motor allowing the micrometer to be controlled with readily available CNC control boards.

SEE "Micron_Actuators_Version_History.pdf" FOR CURRENT INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT!

Pairing these actuators with linear motion stage, a CNC machine with ~5um positional accuracy can be made for low cost.


Adobe Portable Document Format - 6.54 MB - 10/29/2024 at 08:53


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zakqwy wrote 10/31/2024 at 02:02 point

this is great! You're probably aware of them, but I've had good luck with Kozak Micro Adjusters; maybe a bit cheaper, and available in super-fine, down to 50 microns/rev (!!)

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Baird Bankovic wrote 10/31/2024 at 02:16 point

I have not ran across them, I just looked at their screws and yeah looks very nice! Looks more expensive than the Thor Labs's a bit more coarse selection, but if the motion is ultimately limited by the thread pitch, I will look into Kozak's more. 

Thanks for the recommendation!

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