The STM32C0x1 product line features an Arm® Cortex®-M0+ core and runs up to 48 MHz. Setting the lowest STM32 price point ever, the STM32C0x1 line makes no compromise on design quality and delivers a performance far beyond the existing 8-bit architectures. Compact, affordable, and reliable, the STM32C0x1 line features a fast 12-bit ADC with hardware resolution up to 16-bit, flexible mapping on the DMA channels, timers with advanced control capability, and several communication peripherals, always including 2 UARTs, even on the smallest microcontroller of the STM32C0x1 line. With STM32C0x1, application designers can start with an entry-level 32-bit MCU that leaves room for future product upgrades, thanks to the broad STM32 portfolio and ecosystem. The STM32C0x1 shares the same technological and design platform as the STM32G0, and benefits from a consistent pinout mapping. The portfolio supports from 16 to 32 Kbytes of on-chip flash memory.
