GranaSAT Dashboard aims to allow users to interact with:

  • Yaesu Antenna Rotors Controller
  • Kenwood TS-2000 radio transceiver
  • ICOM 9100 radio transceiver
  • TNC
  • Sotfware Defined Radios

The project development follows a web stack based on Javascript + MySQL. The serverside application based on Node.js allows:

  • Serial communication with the Antenna Rotors Controller: Realtime azimuth and elevation control.
  • Serial communication with ICOM 9100 radio transceiver: frequency and modulation control.
  • NOAA decoding.
  • Custom propagator based on satellite.js
  • Satellite passes scheduling system.

The clientside app is an Angular.js + Bootstrap dashboard that allows a simple interface with the REST API shown by the server.

Our main future work lines are:

  • SDR integration.
  • Selectable decoding process for a scheduled pass.
  • User management.
  • Detailed satellite pass