
Window Fan Controller

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This project was created so I do not have to turn my window box fan off at night when it gets too cold.


mababaar wrote 06/18/2015 at 17:51 point

thank your for your feedback

i`m still wating to the sensors.....

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rockfishon wrote 06/18/2015 at 17:09 point

Start your project and let me know what it is called so I can comment more in detail.

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rockfishon wrote 06/18/2015 at 17:09 point

Just a suggestion - you might want to add some checks to make sure the fan is not on while the humidifier is on.

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mababaar wrote 06/18/2015 at 17:03 point


I have found at hackaday, your great code.
I would use it for my “greenhouse” project, but I am a beginner to program the Arduino…..
I would like to implement additional features
1                    if the temp are higher          -relays 1 are aktiv ( Fan)                              (32 °C)
2                    if the temp are  lower       -relays 2 are aktiv (heating)               (20 °C)
3                    if the humidity are higher   -relays 1 are aktiv (Fan)                               (90%)
4                    if the humidity are lower    -relays 3 are aktiv (humidifier)  (65%)
hysterese temp 4°C `
hysterese  humidity 15%
set points should be adjustable via keypad

I would be pleased if you would support me a bit

The next steps could be…….:
-light controll (Timer)                    relays 4
-soil moisture                                   relay 5 (Waterpump)

Best Regards


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