
Image Printing Working

A project log for Tilly - The Slack Printer

This is Tilly... a printer bot that'll print messages from slack onto till roll thermal paper for posterity/evidence for your team

toby-jacksonToby Jackson 04/16/2017 at 11:430 Comments

After some trial and error... and aboutl 30 feet of print failures, I've been able to incorporate the escpos-image library so that I'm able to print images embedded into messages.

Had to make some modifications to the library to support resizing, rotation and formatting but initial results are looking great.

At this point, Tilly is able to;

Can't yet print emoji, and will probably be a long-time before thats possible as all text would need to be 'rendered' onto a bitmap rather than as ascii text over serial.

Attachment's can't be printed yet either as Slack puts them in a strange place (Not on a channel technically...) so more work required there.
