
Simplifying Source Code Signing with GPGit

A script that automates the process of signing git sources via GPG

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Digital signatures enable easy verification of source code authenticity and integrity. There is a widespread belief that using digital signature software is difficult and time-consuming. In order to make digital signing ubiquitous, this term paper describes a strategy and the development of GPGit from its first to its second version for accomplishing this goal.

GPGit is meant to bring GPG to the masses. It is not only a shell script that automates the process of creating new signed git releases with GPG but also comes with this step-by-step readme guide for learning how to use GPG.

A complete redesign of the program is planned and will be also documented as a term paper for university. The current version of GPGit can be found here.


The old GPGit interface (excerpt)

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 221.20 kB - 04/25/2017 at 20:31



Adobe Portable Document Format - 115.40 kB - 04/23/2017 at 18:40


  • GPGit 2.0 Beta Release

    Nico06/14/2017 at 23:56 0 comments

    Hi guys,

    thanks for the patience and the interest in GPGit & digital source code signing. After lots of work GPGit 2.0 is nearly ready for a new release. If you wish to help, you can do one of the following:

    Beside the release of GPGit the GnuPG project collects donations. Check it out, they also have some very informative videos.

    In the next weeks I will prepare everything for the final release. The term paper which described the redesign will also be published on Github. If you want to help me correct the term paper, write me an email: hackday (cat) nicohood (dog) de.

    Further projects are already planned, stay tuned!


  • First Alpha

    Nico04/25/2017 at 20:26 0 comments

    A first alpha for GPGit 2.0.0 with python 3 is ready for testing. Please be aware that this code is really NOT FINISHED yet and may contain serious bugs. I recommend to only test it on dummy projects (for example a fork of something unimportant).

    For Ideas contact me via GPG email, tox or directly on the github PR.

    New GPGit 2.0.0

    Old GPGit 1.1.1 (excerpt)

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