
Omaha Mini Maker Faire

A project log for Toy Claw Machine

Full size Claw machine made from misc. parts.

willbadenwillbaden 09/15/2014 at 00:070 Comments

Here is claw machine at the booth of the Omaha Mini Maker Faire.  It was a good show and there were lots of kids to win the prizes inside.  By the end of the day, I only had to pull out a dozen of toys to just give away.  Along with the exhaustion of toys, the machine ran without any random glitches.  So it appears the time and effort I put into the driver board, control board and layout inside of the control box was worth it.  I am pleased with the outcome. . . (plasma table tryouts?)

Thanks to Kristina Panos, I got some HackaDay stickers.  I was not able to attach them until I got home, but they scored a spot on the side of the control box.

The only downfall to the faire was not enough time to talk more to the other makers or get their contact information. 
