Quantity   Component name
1 × mbed mbed Development board
1 × PIR - Zilog ZEPIR0AAS01SBCG Optoelectronics / Misc. Optoelectronic Components
1 × Rotary Encoder Knobs are the best controllers.
1 × TXB0104 Level Shifter Relaly handy part for hooking up 3.3v and 5v parts together
1 × SD Card Socket Removable SD Card ised used to store patterns and animations
1 × Case - Sparkfun WIG-08601 Project was designed around this case form-factor
1 × Color LCD Display - Sparkfun LCD-08600 I used this because I'd used it before, but would probably not use it again.
1 × Photocell - PDV-P9203 For sensing the lighting environment
1 × 2N3906 Transistor For switching the LCD backlight