However, as the official web does not publish how to play music in the micro-python, we are going to transplant. Thinking of original PWM, let us try playing super Mario bros with it!
Hardware in need:
FireBeetle ESP32 board ×1
Stereo Enclosed Speaker ×1
uPyCraft V0.20
The speaker that I used does not has polarity. You can connect pins directly, one to Pin25 and the other to GND.
Hardware connection image
Program code
from machine import Pin,PWM
import math
import time
melody = [
330, 330, 330, 262, 330, 392, 196, 262, 196, 165, 220, 247, 233, 220, 196, 330, 392,
440, 349, 392, 330, 262, 294, 247, 262, 196, 165, 220, 247, 233, 220, 196, 330, 392,
440, 349, 392, 330, 262, 294, 247, 392, 370, 330, 311, 330, 208, 220, 262, 220, 262,
294, 392, 370, 330, 311, 330, 523, 523, 523, 392, 370, 330, 311, 330, 208, 220, 262,
220, 262, 294, 311, 294, 262, 262, 262, 262, 262, 294, 330, 262, 220, 196, 262, 262,
262, 262, 294, 330, 262, 262, 262, 262, 294, 330, 262, 220, 196]
noteDurations = [
for i in range(len(melody)):
noteDuration = 800/noteDurations[i]
time.sleep_ms(int(noteDuration * 1.30))
Run the code
Here comes with the Super Mario~
I love video games but recently started playing super mario bros. Thanks for sharing your project. I wanna try it too, recently I read an article on about video games and about Mario too, so now I know some tricks. I would like to try them, I think it will be interesting. Do you watch some video tutorials before plaiyng game?