
1) When the sending part and the receiving part are powered on, the LCD1602 boards display the characters "HELLO!", which prove that the sending part and the receiving part are fine to work.

2) There are four buttons in the sending part.

① The first one is the start button.When press it, the sending part enters to the preparing state and prepares to transmit data. At the same time, we can notice the preparing reminding correspondingly.

② The second one is for increasing the data. When press it, the sending data will become one more. And we can see the data on the LCD1602 changes accordingly.

③ The third one is for decreasing the data. When press it, the sending data will become one less. And the current data on the LCD1602 changes accordingly. ④ The fourth one is the sending button. When press it, the sending part will transmit the data and the LCD displays the sending reminding.

3)There are three buttons on the receiving part:

① The first one is for query. When press it,the LCD1602 enters the query page and we can see the first data transmitted by the sending part.

② The second one is the page turning button. When press it, we can see more than one data from the receiving querying, we can see the first three data that transmitted by the sending part.

③ The third one is for data deleting. When press it, the current data will be deleted and the LCD1602 displays the next data .Let us delete the first data 10 to see the effect.

Code for reference:

Step 1: Components list:

1.1×ICStation ATMEGA328 UNO V3.0 R3 Board Compatible Arduino UNO R3

2.1×ICStation ATMEGA2560 Mega2560 R3 Board Compatible Arduino

3.2×NRF905 Wireless Module

4. 2×For Arduino IIC/I2C/TWI 1602 Serial LCD Module Display

5.47×Doupont line

6.7×press keys

7.2×DIY Prototype Paper PCB Universal Board 5 x 7 cm New

8.1×40 Pin 1x40 Male 2.54 Breakable Pin Header

Step 2: Schematic Diagram

Step 3: The Hardware connection of the Receiving part

1.Connect the NRF905 to the ICStation Mega2560 as following:

TXEN—5; TRX_CE—6;PWR—A0;CSN—4;AM—7;DR—3;CD—2; MOSI—11;MISO—12;SCK—13 ;

2.Connect the LCD1602 to the ICStation Mega2560.

3.Connect the press key to the ICStation Mega2560.
K1—22; K1—23; K1—24

Step 4: The Hardware connection of the Sending Part

1.Connect the NRF905 to the ICStation UNO.
TXEN=5; TRX_CE=6;PWR=A0;CSN=4;AM=7;DR=3;CD=2; MOSI=11;MISO=12;SCK=13 ;

2.Connect the LCD1602 to the ICStation UNO.
SCL—21 ;SDA—20

3.Connect the press key to the ICStation UNO.
K1—A1; K1—A2; K1—A3; K1—9;

Video to show effect: