I have about 8 of these displays, and one is wired up to my Arduino to work out the final working code. I have done a bunch of research with the datasheets and pinouts to get to this point. My code has been shamelessly stolen from this Swedish tinkerer's blog, with a few minor additions of my own. The output is supposed to say "Test", and instead it is scrambled ASCII. I have verified all the wires go to the proper places about 6 separate times, so I think I'm gonna have to tweak the timing of the "CE" variable. Here's the code I'm currently using:
I'll post more updates shortly, I just wanted to get this out there. Here's some of the other websites I have found that talk about this display being hooked up to microcontrollers, although most people just use a Teensy.
I have a couple of the DLR-3416 variant. They're similar but have 22 pins vs 18 on the HDLG-2416. I had them running a couple of years ago on a PIC, but haven't really put in the time with them since I started playing with Arduinos. Would love to get them working :)
They really are! I picked up mine from some equipment that was being discarded, so they were free other than my time spent "harvesting" them. Once I get them working, I have a great idea using their capabilities.
Did you ever get any further?