
Pump, sequences and LCD display

A project log for Budget BarBot

A BarBot for dispensing cocktails (on a budget)

david-hopkinsDavid Hopkins 02/04/2015 at 08:560 Comments

Pump arrived, a doddle to hook up, seems to work well, will check the flow rates this evening. Its louder than I had hoped but hey ho.

LCD display found in parts box (and I2C backpack), basic feedback given. will form the core of the HUI (with buttons).

Sequences work well, using the serial interface, the sequence in the video is "R1010R2020R4030EC"

This translates to: Reagent 1 10ml, reagent 2 20ml, reagent 4 30ml, End sequence(flush with air), Clean sequence(divert to dump pipe, flush with water then air)

New pipe also arrived but its very thick, I may have to either redesign the clamp mechanism, use thinner pipe, or just use thin sections for the valves. Unsure what route to take until I can test further.
