
All to do with table saws

Will continually add still pictures of all the updates and ideas for table saw safety

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This is the Original Jimmy Jig, the first big change to the sliding t- fence on a table saw

macduff/ fixed the fence to a sliding support platform


will cross-cut 8ft sheet material with the use of the outrigger which has but one line of friction along the top of the round pipe

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simple if you think about it

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The jimmy jigs lift off guard, central pivot is automatic

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very simple cross-cut -sled on the Jimmy Jig

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Jimmy jig in Spanish

JPEG Image - 3.15 MB - 02/04/2018 at 21:41


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  • 1 × the jig Originally used plywood, now updated to a professional model using the very same details

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  • 1
    Step 1

    The jimmy jig/ used 1/2in ply cover with laminate both sides, hardwood telescoped rails, or 20/80 aluminium extrusions and a clamp that forces the jig rails against the frame that surrounds the table saw/ rock solid, the fence will never deviate from parallel as it it fixed to the sliding platform, In the unique aperture of the jig you can add a router or jig saw in an extra insert, these inserts are also a zero clearance over the blade

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seilerjacinda925 wrote 11/19/2019 at 15:43 point


Nice to meet you after viewing your profile i am Jacinda, from (jakarta) indonesia,

i have a project discussion with you please email me on: (

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macduff2 wrote 02/04/2018 at 22:03 point

invite all table saw owners to discuss the Jimmy Jig , pros or cons

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