The clock provides the following pulses to drive slave clocks 1 sec alternating, 30 sec, 1 min , 1 hour, 24 hr, 15 min chime of quarter hours, hourly chime of hours
Primary display of time in hours, minutes & seconds are displayed on 1" (26mm) green LED 7 segment displays
Secondary 4x20 I2C LCD display is used to display time & date, fast or slow seconds, summer winter correction, display brightness, sync information, signal quality, auto tune'd frequency, auto tuned quartz accuracy and summer winter time mode
The primary and secondary displays are auto dimmed using an LDR and Pulse Width Modulation
The primary and secondary displays are shutdown during daytime and are activated by Passive Infrared detection when the clock detects someone entering the room
Manually triggered automatic Summer/Winter time correction of 30 second slave clocks
Bluetooth link for programming, clock pulse status etc
Auto leap second adjustment of 30 second slave and 1 second slave clocks
Hi i use This works well in my location in the South of England. Positioning is very easy.