
Hack Chat

Use the team chat to talk about your projects and find collaborators for whatever you are working on.

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Click on the "Public Chat" button on the left top and you're automatically in.
Hack Chat guidelines:
All are welcome!

Hang out in here to talk about and get feedback on your project. Wonder what we mean when we say "hacking"? Look here


We have topic-based HackChats on various subjects often, and will be starting back up in 2019 on Wednesdays. 

Check out transcripts from previous HackChat sessions!

Code of conduct: Be Excellent to each other. Comments and questions should be on-topic. We support education and a supportive, inclusive environment. We reserve the right to eject profiles that do not comply.

  • 1
    Step 1

    Be Excellent to each other. Comments and questions should be on-topic. We support tech education and a supportive, inclusive environment. We reserve the right to eject profiles that do not comply.

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Roberto wrote 08/09/2017 at 20:05 point

yea i can wait to get this hackXD

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denhard448 wrote 08/07/2017 at 09:04 point


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James Murphy wrote 08/04/2017 at 19:05 point

I'm looking for the Jonathan Hirschman Chat.  Is this it?

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gilangwarrior512 wrote 08/02/2017 at 11:27 point


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Crypton78 wrote 08/02/2017 at 00:44 point

i want to be a learn hacking

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Crypton78 wrote 08/02/2017 at 00:43 point


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syed.babadonumar6 wrote 07/29/2017 at 09:19 point

i m new here how can i become a hacker plz tell me

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fauzannazri wrote 07/29/2017 at 06:46 point

I'm a new comer here
can you help me for begaining my journey in hacking?
I hope you can do it

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amirayub1100 wrote 07/26/2017 at 15:50 point

I am new this project. You help me .i am send a project file

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Charlie Lindahl wrote 07/21/2017 at 16:45 point

Basic question: where is the "Team Messaging" listed in the instructions? I know it isn't time for the chat yet, but where will the button/link appear when the chat is scheduled (2PM CST (my time)).


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Charlie Lindahl wrote 07/21/2017 at 16:47 point

Shux. Didn't RTFM, sorry. I have applied to be a member of the group.

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Richard Hogben wrote 07/21/2017 at 17:12 point

No worries, it's not intuitive. We are working on making this easier.

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zeros07 wrote 06/13/2017 at 11:57 point

can you help me

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Musthu wrote 07/16/2017 at 05:29 point

what you want

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alanalanmaulana0 wrote 06/07/2017 at 07:44 point

I want to deepen about the science of hacking is good use. Please help because I am still a beginner and still do not understand thank you

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Bruce Kramer wrote 06/04/2017 at 23:25 point

I am very new to this and I am building a DIY laser engraver, collecting my equipment at this time. I ordered a 500mw blue laser without a controller board, a mistake I think? a controller board which I guess I need for the Arduino R3 and Arduino CNC Shield board and Grbl software. So I guess I need to build a controller board and need alot of help. I would attach a photo but looks like I can't, so I need a schematic and parts list for the build. If anyone can help me I would really appreciateit.


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Arnizer wrote 04/16/2017 at 22:47 point

Can i ask you,

Where I can learn hacker Beginner My Very Eager to learn, willing to tell I Did That

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 04/29/2017 at 11:53 point

hello @sabianvx as i know, this is the place to share a lot of project. And the project must be usefull to the world, to solve our many problem with our enviroment. 'Hack' is not always about stealing someone's information or even join a wifi with some tricks. People in here trying to solve a lot of the problem in the world with their skills and will. Sorry for my bad english, just trying to answer your question. But why dont you start to join us? Create something that will matter for our life, to help each other. Hope that you will join us here, we need more hacker to solve the whole problem. Good luck for your search.

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Mike wrote 03/03/2017 at 21:14 point

@Roger Thornton wanted to share what I did with Zero but can't find the chat as many here, I adapted Zero for openAPS, it is Open Artificial Pancreas System 

here few pics

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mark.croft.1975 wrote 03/07/2017 at 16:48 point

looks awesome.. anymore details? i did a quick google on openaps and found this hope it connects to your project above -

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Mike wrote 03/03/2017 at 21:13 point

this is confusing, where is the chat or is it over?

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L15A wrote 08/04/2017 at 21:46 point

I agree. Did it end? Or are these rambling questions the chat itself?

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gheorgherazvan99 wrote 03/20/2017 at 20:59 point

You can use a perl like Facebooker for brute force or social inginery. Search on YouTube.

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chris jefferies wrote 02/24/2017 at 20:46 point

WHERE is the chat?  I'm going round and round to find a place to read comments as they come in....   Is this it?  Is there a chat window I can access where I might see the ongoing conversation?


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Dusan Petrovic wrote 03/03/2017 at 15:54 point

Hi Chris! You have "Team Messaging" button on the top-right of this page.

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davedarko wrote 02/19/2017 at 13:28 point

I can has cat first. Cat7E would be bestest.

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