
WiseTimer Switch

Electrical timer supporting DST & holidays and voltage-based grid management.

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Existing timers don't adjust for daylight saving time, and don't allow using cheap off-peak power during holidays. With increased use of renewable power like wind and solar, surplus power has become available outside the traditional nights and weekends. Some utilities have started using voltage optimization for grid demand management. Intelligent switches that respond to these voltage changes would allow for a more adaptive grid and more effective use of renewable energy.
  • 1 × 16x2 LCD 2-line x 16-character LCD display with HD-44780 controller
  • 1 × DPST relay double-pole relay, 30A 240V minimum

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Ralph Doncaster wrote 05/17/2015 at 19:17 point

I plan to use either an AVR or esp8266 controller.  While the esp8266 would make it easy to keep time using NTP,  it wouldn't work well for seasonal residences without a permanent internet connection.  For software, avr-libc has time functions that would simplify DST and holiday calculations.  AVRs have better ADC, which could be useful for supporting temperature sensor inputs.

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