
3d printed parts

A project log for Smart Bike

A bicycle that can tell you information and switch gears for you depending on that information.

rio-kingRio King 05/20/2015 at 00:170 Comments

I am writing this log because of the $50 shapeways gift card prize. I think I need a shapeways gift card to help get my project off the ground. Right now I don't have a 3d printer and I won't be able to print out the parts I need for the wind speed sensor and case for all of my components. Just a small shapeways gift card could help me get this project started and I think it could be helpful to multiple people. Even if I don't use all of the money on the shapeways gift card I could use it to prototype other ideas I have that could change the world. I could also share some of the gift card with others who also have great ideas that should not be left unmade. Thank you for considering me for this exelent prize.
