
(Office 3D Printer) P_3D mk. 1

Mostly 3D printed Office printer with a build area the size of an A3 sheet sporting a Diamond 3-colour hotend

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The Goal:

A custom built office 3D printer with at least an A3 sized print area, a Diamond hotend and a heated bed.

Most of the electronics is already connected and working. now we just need to choose what shape printer we want to construct.

What makes this project different is that we aren't buying any of the motors. we are using E-waste to supply most of our Electronics needs. just the Motherboard and such is bought off the shelf.

We'll keep update the details as we go along.
  • 3 × Cooling fans 1× Large for Motherboard, 2×Small for Hotend
  • 3 × Extruder Motors Nema 17
  • 3 × X, Y and Z Motors Nema 23
  • 1 × X & Y End stops Microswitches or Optical
  • 1 × Diamond Hotend 3 colour - one - nozzle

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