
2016 NFC Ring

The NFC Ring can be used to unlock doors, mobile devices, transfer information and link people. This time round it got even smarter...

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Have you ever wanted an easy way to share your contact details without having to scrabble around for a pen and paper, or dig your phone out of your pocket? Have you ever wondered why we rely on easily-lost physical keys in today's digital age? Are you a firm believer that the future of technology is wireless?

The NFC Ring combines fashion and technology into one seriously smart wearable. Adorning a finger, the NFC Ring doesn't look out of place in the office, the home, or the even the catwalk, but its attractive exterior belies its true power. A pair of Near Field Communication (NFC) radio tags, compatible with everything from smartphones and tablets to door locks and time and attendance systems, lie just beneath the surface.

The NFC Ring combines fashion and technology into one seriously smart wearable. Adorning a finger, the NFC Ring doesn't look out of place in the office, the home, or the even the catwalk, but its attractive exterior belies its true power. A pair of Near Field Communication (NFC) radio tags, compatible with everything from smartphones and tablets to door locks and time and attendance systems, lie just beneath the surface. Using the bundled NFC Ring Control software - or, if you'd prefer, any third-party NFC writing application - you can store your own data on the ring's tags, completing tasks in the wave of a hand that would previously have required far more complex interactions.

So, What Does It Do?

The NFC Ring is designed with two independent NFC tags, one on the upper surface and one on the lower. This is key to its operation: the upper tag should be programmed with information you frequently want to share with the public, while the lower tag holds data you'd rather keep private.

You could program the upper tag with your contact details in VCard format, allowing you to add your information to anyone's smartphone or tablet with nothing more than a fist-bump against the rear of their device. Alternatively, try storing a URL to your website, or a link to your Twitter profile - and watch people's faces light up as their device automatically loads the correct application. Speaking of apps, why not try programming the tag with a shortcut to your favourite application to quickly launch it without having to navigate through the menus of your smartphone?

For the lower tag, why not use it as part of a two-factor authentication system, or to store a key for your chosen cryptographic application? The gesture-based control system of the NFC Ring ensures that your data will be kept safe from prying eyes: the thickness of your finger is too much for the radio waves that activate the NFC Ring's inlaid tags to pass through, meaning that as long as you only share your public data with a closed fist your private data is guaranteed to stay private.

There's fun to be had with the tag's universally unique identifier, too. Affordable off-the-shelf NFC-enabled door locks allow you to open your home or office with a wave of your hand, finally doing away with bulky keys and the risk of forced entry through lock-snapping, picking, or bump-keys. Using Android's Smart Lock system you can also unlock your smartphone or tablet automatically, simply by holding the device in the same hand as your NFC Ring.

The original, the exceptional, NFC Ring launched on Kickstarter in July 2013, and took the site by storm. We were awed by the community's response, which proved that we really had something exciting to offer. Now, two years down the line, we're back with a new and improved design.

  • 2 × NXP NTAG216 NXP NFC Tag IC w/ 1K Storage

  • High Voltage Testing

    John McLear10/18/2015 at 10:51 0 comments

    John Howarth tested high voltages from a welder for us and reported..

    I received the patches and rings for EMI durability testing yesterday. I tested them today in very close proximity (less than 10mm) to 200amp AC weld currents and HF start. Neither of which damaged the rings or patches. I also ran the HF start (a few kV ac) directly through the ring itself, which still works; so I'm most impressed

    Awesome news :)

  • Woop over 2000 free rings shipped to hackers!

    John McLear10/17/2015 at 23:35 0 comments

    In just 3 days we've shipped over 2,000 NFC Rings to hacker spaces worldwide. What an amazing response! Thanks guys!

  • Free NFC Rings for Creatives

    John McLear10/15/2015 at 12:11 0 comments

    Today we’re pleased to show our support for makers, creators, hackers and tinkerers by offering some 2013 QA FAIL NFC Ring packs for hackers!

    A percentage of the 2013(Not our latest rings) NFC Rings failed our QA tests in some way so these rings have some fault. The fault could be that it has a small scratch or that one side of the ring doesn’t work, but generally they will be perfect for hacking about with, making some art, or just wearing as a fashion piece. We can’t provide specific size/styles though so you will get whatever is closest to our hand at the time we’re packing your order up. It should be a pretty good mix of styles and models though and cover everybody’s needs.

    Just to note, these rings are NOT the 2016 NFC Ring Rings you see on Kickstarter, these are our 2013 Titanium Rings (that have failed QA testing).

    Why do this?
    Our friends are creators, makers, movers and shakers. We want to give you the opportunity to play with our technology at the lowest possible cost. We hope that in return our community will continue building awesome things and spread the good NFC Ring word.

    How do I get my hand on them?
    Email and let us know you are interested. We will need to know which creative space and how many. Packs are in increments of 50 rings and shipping starts at about £60 GBP.

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  • 1
    Step 1

    3D Print your own ring embodiment

    Insert NFC Inlays


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