
Voice Controlled Shop

Using the Amazon Echo to control a workshop!

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This project is to automate some parts of my hacking space. The initial goal is to have the compressor and shop lights respond to voice commands.

The Amazon Echo or 'Alexa' externalizes all of the natural language processing to a city in the clouds, or 'the cloud.' The API is fairly straight forward and the Amazon tutorials are very thorough but there are a bazillion steps and the set-up it takes ages. After all that though it just seems to work, which is cool.
  • 1 × Amazon Echo Amazon Echo - kinda creepy mostly incredible
  • 1 × Photon The Particle Photon - this thing is awesome! -
  • 1 × Pressure Transducer - 150 PSI Pressure transducer for reading the compressor pressure - $18 on ebay
  • 1 × Relay Board Olimex AVR-IO Relay Board -

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