
USB power. Boards ordered.

A project log for blinktronicator

Sixteen different LED colors on a teeny tiny board.

zakqwyzakqwy 12/08/2015 at 05:222 Comments

[update 12/8/2015, part 2: OSHpark cancelled the previous board and swapped the new ones in their place. Just got all the parts on order--the blue units were backordered so I found 'em via a different supplier. I ordered .. uh .. a lot of LEDs. More than I need for this project. Any ideas... ?]

[update 12/8/2015: I realized when I was updating the BOM that the resistor networks were sized for a 3.3vdc power supply. Unfortunately, due to voltage drop/current draw requirements, moving to direct USB power (5vdc) means I need larger resistor values for the InGaN units (four total). So I updated the schematic and PCB this morning and sent a panicked note off to OSHpark; with any luck I'll be able to squeeze the new design into their production queue. Either way, the GitHub repo is now correct.]

It got a bit tight around the ICs. We'll see how this shakes out. The USB connector pads are hilariously large compared to everything else. I hear OSHpark does slots now, but I opted to use 2.5mm holes for the structural bits.

No room for wavelength designations on the front, unfortunately...

My apologies to all for dropping the ball with respect to symmetry--the two pulldowns on the back are embarrassingly unmatched. But at some point, you just have to call it good enough.

I think I still have a few things to do to comply with the contest (BOM, etc)--I'll also get the latest files into the github repo.


Eric Hertz wrote 12/11/2015 at 01:47 point

Oooh, first the arced LEDs, now a nice arced board. Pretty!

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zakqwy wrote 12/11/2015 at 12:19 point

I'm getting better at edge routing in KiCad, but my time would probably be much better spent importing graphics from traditional CAD program :-/

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