
Works! Sort of

A project log for LIS3DH breakout board

3D accelerometer with SPI, I2C and 3 ADC inputs

christophChristoph 12/22/2015 at 13:410 Comments

After re-soldering two boards on a hot plate I got one working in I2C mode. The SA0 pin is not soldered correctly, but the internal pull-up is doing its job so I can communicate with the chip at address 0b0011001:

I'm now waiting for the revised boards to arrive from OSHPark to see if I can solder them with paste in #vapsy

So far this has been the hardest chip I ever had to solder. If you don't
need to mount this on a custom PCB, go for a ready-made breakout board
(this advice might change, or not, when I tested the new layout).
