
Revision 7 is available for sale!

A project log for wESP32: Wired ESP32 with Ethernet and PoE

A low cost ESP32 core board with Ethernet and PoE for convenient "single cable" deployments

patrick-van-oosterwijckPatrick Van Oosterwijck 09/30/2021 at 16:108 Comments

A little late posting here, but just a heads-up that revision 7 has arrived and is making its way to various distribution channels!

New 4-layer PCB, much more decoupling capacitance on-board, RTL8201FI Ethernet Phy and now 16 MB of flash!




Note that the lead time shown on Mouser is bogus, they had 100 units shipped to them already.  Should ship much sooner than the lead time indicates.


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tunikinc wrote 05/12/2024 at 22:25 point

I'm a beginner with the wESP32 board . My problem is that I can upload a program only once and then the board won't accept another program. I'm using Visual Studio Code on Windows with the Platformio IDE and the Arduino platform. The first program (a wifi scanner) loads and runs just fine but subsequent attempts end with a serial port communication error. Yes, Windows and the IDE can find the port (COM5 on my machine), and yes the serial monitor has no problem reading input from the wESP32 on that same port (baud = 115200). What am I doing wrong?

I've tried using a different platform (Expressif IDE) with the same result. I've also tried specifying the COM port and the baud rate (9600) in the platformio.ini file. No luck.

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Patrick Van Oosterwijck wrote 05/13/2024 at 19:37 point

Hi, I'm sorry but I have no idea why this might be happening.  Are you using the accompanying wESP32-Prog or wESP32-Prog-C programming module or a third party programming module?  If third party, does it have the auto programming circuitry?

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tunikinc wrote 05/15/2024 at 14:20 point

Patrick, thanks for your reply. I've been trying to use the Expressif IDE but within Visual Studio Code. I'm now trying to use the standalone Expressif IDE to see if that helps. One problem I'm having is choosing a processor type. The options are esp32, esp32-c2, esp32-c3, and esp32-h2. Do you know which I should use with the wESP32 module? My board's processor is ESP32-WROOM-32E. Thanks!

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Patrick Van Oosterwijck wrote 05/15/2024 at 17:00 point

It's the ESP32 without suffix

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tunikinc wrote 05/16/2024 at 15:26 point

Patrick, it was the board (or the attached serial port), not the IDE. I tried three different IDEs (VS Code, Arduino, Expressif) with the same result but everything works just fine when I switched to using a new wESP board. I don't know if there's a defect in my first board, or just with the programming port but at least I have a working system for now. Thanks again for your help.

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Patrick Van Oosterwijck wrote 05/16/2024 at 16:23 point

Odd, since they are all supposed to be tested during production.
Do you have the programming module in a socket or connected to a header, or soldered in, or just pushed in to the staggered footprint held by friction?  The latter does not always work reliably unfortunately.

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mmmunir966 wrote 12/01/2022 at 10:54 point


I have 3 brand new boards with revision 7 at my desk. One of them works fine, but the other two are not working. I am getting the error "Serial data stream stopped: Possible serial noise or corruption".

The other board is programmed, but does not run in normal mode and throws error "

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x3 (DOWNLOAD_BOOT(UART0/UART1/SDIO_REI_REO_V2)) waiting for download"

How I can make fixes of these?

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