
Hardware ready

A project log for RGB WIFI Dimmer

12V Dimmer with 4-PWM Outputs a 3A and ESP-01 suitable pinheader

ethonEthon 01/22/2016 at 10:570 Comments

After a while of trieng I finished the hardware, one problem was to get the best values for the gate resistors, another problem was that I forgot to add a +3V3 connection to CH_PD of the ESP01 header. As you can see on the picture all is working fine. The voltage drop over the N-FETs is below 0.02V.

Here some facts:

power input : ESP01 + PCB = 90mA * 12V = 1,08 (HelloServer.ino)

power input : PCB = 20mA * 12V = 24mW

warm white leds 5660 600 = 850mA * 12V = 10,2W/m, voltage drop 0,5V after 1m

RGB leds 5050 = 1,1A * 12V = 13,2W/m, voltage drop 0,5V after 1m, all three colors on max
