mars raven cad.igs

here's my mars raven lander concept enjoy you can 3d print and test I left the wings and tail as separate components for you to play with further discussion on it on my updates page

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nasa space plan

here's some of nasa tms on space planes that are good reading and helpful in the design if only nasa built all there paper dreams

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3 piece fuselage.igs

hers cad model of my thee piece lifting body fuselage same as in pics in my descriptions page im still working on refining my top cover fairing you can print this out to get a good ideal of the general concept

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here's a cad model of a one piece lifting body easy to print will be putting out some better examples shortly

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2001spaceplan note

here's some of my work to give you a ideal of my spaceplane concept building and hacking a space plane your not just hacking a space ship but a whole space program your own off world corporation your own off world government unto its own self answerable to no one but god and nature in effect you would be for the first time in your life a free man or woman the first people in a thousand years not owned by assholes how cool is that forget fame forget money no good out there give me freedom sweet sweet true freedom

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