

this is the new way for desktop to be used in new way as we are in 21st centuary and we are now also using desktop in old

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this is a new kind of DESKTOP or say ZESKTOP which have inbuild cpu , keyboard and screen





.usb portale


.linear actuator 12 volt

.drill machine

.some part of brain

  • 1 × screen
  • 1 × keyboard Development Kits, Boards and Systems / Development Kits and Boards
  • 2 × speaker
  • 1 × cpu
  • 1 × linear actuator 12 volt

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  • 1
    Step 1

    follow video as all these things are different projects just we need to make in one product and I'm doing it

  • 2
    Step 2

    Just make a vision of future than make it a future device not a normal tech as we habe all it takes tk make a future tech as future is here already its just hidden

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inboxsahil.sahajpal wrote 03/23/2016 at 04:08 point

Than eat while the food plate in ur hand hehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehe

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Est wrote 03/23/2016 at 03:52 point

while I like the idea of a screen coming out of the desk I would never use it as I am used to eat and drink in front of the pc

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