
Nanotechnology father of superconductors

nanotechnology father of superconductors with the user of the new science breaks one more obstacle R = 0, and no more obstacles for scientis

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LEVITATION FOR superconducting
This type of levitation based on the magnetic field excluding the inner end Meisne
of superconductors [12]. For this type of levitation presence of a source is necessary
magnetic field as in the EDL. A specific material is cooled to a
temperature which acquires superconducting properties. These properties make
materials when placed in the presence of an external magnetic field tending to repel
the totality of the applied magnetic field, which leads to a stable levitation effect.
or pays or contributes to .
or pays or contributes Razao social Jose Pedro Rodrigues do Amaral Ribeiro
IBAN BR190036 0305 0392 1000 1101 343C 1
Agencia 3921
Operaçao 001
Conta DV 001110134-3

Os princípios da física ,pelo que posso perceber ,não falam contra a possibilidade de manipular as coisas átomo por átomo.

Não seria uma violaçao da lei;

é algo que teoricamente pode ser feito mas que, na pratica ,numca foi levado a cabo porque somos grandes demais.

Richard feynman


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Supercondutividade Polasek.pdf

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  • 1
    Step 1

    A new type of metallic state of matter was discovered by an international team of researchers who were studying a superconductor made with carbon 60 molecules, fullerenes better known as buckyballs.

    The team found the new state after changing the distance between the adjacent C60 molecules sticking rubidium atoms between them.

    The analysis of the material revealed a rich combination of insulating phases, magnetic, metal, and even more interesting, superconducting - including state hitherto unknown, which was called "Jahn-Teller metal".

    The Jahn-Teller effect (described by Hermann Arthur Jahn and Edward Teller) is characterized by deformation of the crystal lattice geometry of a material when orbital states of molecules are subdivided to reduce system power.

    Jahn-Teller metal

    Low pressure, the material studied by the team is an insulator, whereupon the electronic state of the molecules is distorted by the Jahn-Teller effect. As pressure is applied by the addition of rubidium, the electronic states of the molecules begin to overlap, and the material undergoes a "Mott transition" to become a simple metal.

    It is in the middle of this insulator-metal transition that appeared intermediate never before been seen, which is marked by a change in shape of the C60 molecules, which become elongated.

    And this is a key point in understanding the superconductivity because it is the metallic phase which becomes superconducting when the material is taken below a critical temperature.

    Understanding superconductivity

    The study provides important clues on how the interaction between the electronic structure of molecules and their spacing within the crystalline material network can strengthen the interactions between the electrons that cause superconductivity.

    Superconductors are a large and diverse group of materials that offer zero resistance to the passage of electrical currents when cooled below a critical temperature. Although superconductivity involves electrons form pairs, called Cooper pairs, the mechanism by which this occurs is not fully understood in all types of superconductors - especially in the superconducting considered "high temperature".

    The expectation is that knowledge of this new phase can result in the development of new molecular materials that become superconducting at higher temperatures.

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Brian wrote 01/30/2016 at 23:27 point

Why do you keep creating these ridiculous IO entries using other peoples copyrighted photo's?

This is not a kickstarter site!

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 02/01/2016 at 07:36 point

I reported this project, as well as the user, but no avail. 

This is ridiculous heap of quasi-scientific crap, most of it copy-pasted with a lot of mistakes, harming the whole .io community.

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Jose Pedro R. A. Ribeiro wrote 02/01/2016 at 16:59 point

need to read the files and understand that the details are being placed gradually why but the person (who is not part community copies)

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Jose Pedro R. A. Ribeiro wrote 02/01/2016 at 17:26 point

the two greatest scientists of the world are speaking one language, be respectful to colleague

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