
hand soldering the raspberry to the baseboard

A project log for PiBoy-Zero

yet another portable console! ;-) roughly the size of a gameboy micro, with a 2.2" display

johschneiderJohSchneider 04/01/2016 at 13:542 Comments

similar projects that mounted the raspberry onto another pcb seem to reflow it in some way or another, with a hot-air rework station or similar tools. the same is doable with a good fine tipped soldering iron.

these steps seemed to produce good results:

1) widen the mounting hole near the hdmi to 3mm, which will be used as position key (and later on by a screw holding the case together) - done by hand, very carefully :-)

2) pre-tin all the surface mount pads on the base-board with a slight (!) amount of solder

3) use a M3 screw to get an accurate position, clamp the boards together and solder by first heating up the rim of the pin-hole, then feeding solder into it until the hole is roughly half filled. at this point it should connect with the pad below and visibly suck the solder a bit down

the tip i used fit halfway through the pin-holes, which i could put into the soldered holes that seemed to have a hard time connecting to the pad below (was the case with some of the holes connected to the ground plane, since they sucked the heat away pretty fast)


Andrew Wipf wrote 04/01/2016 at 14:17 point

I appreciate your thorough process documentation!

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JohSchneider wrote 04/01/2016 at 18:30 point

thnx :-)

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