
I got a virus. My body is currently broken.

A project log for Classroom music teaching aid

An interactive device for helping a kindergarten class learn to play harmonica.

shlonkinshlonkin 02/22/2016 at 12:330 Comments

Just when I was getting some good momentum on this project, Influenza B invaded my body and turned me into a miserable lump in bed for the last few days. I'm hoping I can get back to life and projecting soon.

Some things I had on the workbench for this week:

- breadboards. Get each bit of hardware working on a breadboard with an arduino(Since I haven't won a Pi Zero yet)

- sample recording. I wanted to bring home my harmonica and record some samples, but I've been banned from the school until I'm healthy.

- gathering code resources. I have lots of arduino code ready to use, but not a line of code for the Pi. I need to change that.

Also, Thank you to those who gave me some input on the lighting from the last log. I think I'm going to go with a very different approach. Most of the note space will just be painted red or blue. The light will be the note names or a large dot in the middle of the note. I think it would be just as effective and a lot simpler. Also, the painted colors will be much easier to see than the colored plastic with the light off.
